FREE Pet Food Pantry

Our FREE Pet Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10 am to 12:30 pm.

* We provide FREE pet food for low-income Rutherford County residents. The following documentation is needed: Proof of identification (driver’s license, etc.) Proof of low-income (Medicaid, WIC, Food Stamps, SSI) and Proof of a currant Rabies Vaccination Certificate is required.
* Our FREE Pet Food Pantry distribution is through the carport under the Transport sign. Eligible families (low-income RC residents) can get FREE pet food once every six (6) weeks.

* This program IS NOT designed to be your ONLY source of pet food but to supplement their food. Please be grateful for any amount of food that you receive during your visit.

Effective immediately – when coming for FREE pet food:

*We are now limiting the number of cars that can come into our parking lot.

*You can come for FREE Pet Food every six weeks.

•If the chain is up you will need to come back.

•DO NOT enter from the road between CPC and High Tech Automotive!

•Parking on the side of the road is ILLEGAL AND NOT SAFE!

Thank you for your co-operation.

Community Pet Center FREE Pet Food Pantry Policy –

This is a FREE service that we provide to the community!
*Please be polite to our volunteers and understand when asking for something FREE, rudeness will not be tolerated.
*When you come in for FREE pet food for the first time, the number of cats and dogs that you give us is what will be logged into our database and a current Rabies Vaccination Certificate for each animal is mandatory.
*If you are currently receiving FREE pet food and obtain more animals, we will not provide you with additional food for these animals.
*Thank you for your co-operation!

Some of our FREE Pet Food Pantry Pets!