The Community Pet Center is a 501(c)(3) tax- exempt organization and relies on your donations and grants to fund our mission: helping animals and people throughout all of our community.
*Donations are tax deductible.
Monetary Donations
Money Donations can be made either one-time or recurring. Your contribution will support the mission of the Community Pet Center – helping animals and people throughout all of our community. We rely on donations and grants to support our mission and have many programs that need funding.
You can choose how your donation will be spent:
General Expenses – Rabies Clinics – Spay/Neuter – Education Program
Memorial and Tributes
One of the most appreciated gifts can be one that helps others. You can give a gift to the Community Pet Center to remember others for memorials (in Honor or in Memory of a person or pet), birthdays, anniversaries or any special occasion. A notification will be sent to the recipient.
Please include recipient information (Name and Address) for notification.
How to Donate
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, there are two ways do it.
PayPal to:
Mail. Please make checks payable to “Community Pet Center” and send to:
Community Pet Center
861 Piney Ridge Road
Forest City, NC 28043
Thank you for your help!
Wish List
We are always in need of other donations:
- Paper Towels
- Dawn
- Wipes
- Zip-lock Baggies all sizes
- Gently used Blankets and Towels
- Dry and Canned Kitten and Cat Food
- Dry and Canned Puppy and Dog Food
- Dog and Cat Treats
- Gift cards to Lowes, Wal-Mart, Staples, Tractor Supply for supplies
Donations can be dropped off at our office on Monday and Thursday between 9 am and 12 pm. Thank you!